LifeWatch Monitoring Device Patient Education

The Need

The LifeWatch monitoring system, now owned by BioTelemetry, a Philips Healthcare company, offers a remote diagnostic monitoring service to patients with arrhythmia. In order to work effectively, the patient must wear the sensor and attach the electrodes properly. The LifeWatch marketing and training team identified the need to offer a companion patient education program with the monitoring system.

A second need was identified to educate and train internal employees on how to use the software used to configure the device, set up notifications, and analyze the data sent from the patient.

  • Patient Education

  • Step-by-Step Procedure

  • Engaging Visuals & Animations

  • Interactivity

  • Employee Training

  • Training Portal

The Solution

KDG developed a comprehensive online education program that provides patients with step-by-step instructions for this innovative new monitoring device. The program contains rich graphics and multimedia with narrated voice, covering detail on how to prepare the skin, place the electrodes, operate the monitor and wear the sensor. Instructions on how to return the device is also included along with a FAQ section. In addition, this online program is also utilized as a just-in-time reference tool.

KDG also developed an online employee portal to house the internal training presentations along with a variety of documents needed to interact with customers.

These educational tools enable patients to access critical information on how to properly use the LifeWatch monitoring system. This reduces the volume of calls to the help desk.