ADAPT Learning Platform
ADAPT Learning Platform offers a tailored solution for life science organizations.
Your learners are on the go and time is at a premium. Healthcare professionals need to keep up with ever-changing demands and work requirements to maintain their credentials. Sales reps of medical device, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical companies need to learn complex new device and therapy solutions. Continual education and training are essential for their job performance and advancement.
Enter ADAPT, offering your learners exactly what they need, when, and where they need it. As a customized learning platform, it supports all of your learners’ online education and training needs.
Customized and targeted learning
Options and flexibility
ADAPT offers a complete and customized solution for your specific training needs and business challenges. It is built upon open-source software and can leverage a vast selection of modular plugins, resulting in a highly tailored, functional, and flexible learning platform.
Once deployed, you steer it. KDG will continue to host and manage your learning platform unless you choose to manage it yourself. You are in the driver’s seat.
Design and user experience
Most cloud-based LMSs have limitations when considering implementing a design with your brand. They will allow you to upload your logo and offer a few design choices.
With ADAPT, KDG offers a customized design to fit your branding standards. KDG can help you design your learning platform to your specifications. You can have a fully customized look and feel so that it appears as if it’s an extension of your corporate website. We can display your online courses in a custom grid and layout that is user-centric, allowing your learners to quickly and easily find what they are looking for.

Tailored functionality
Have the advantage of customizing functionality to your specific needs. For example, when a learner finishes a course, an automated email can be generated to suggest the next course. You can make one course a prerequisite to the next, controlling access. Or perhaps implement single sign-on and API connectivity with third-party applications for ease of use. Maybe you would like to integrate event planning or a discussion forum. Or create custom reports that can break down the data in multiple ways, showing how many learners have enrolled or completed a course, or how many CE credits were issued per course. Tailor the features that are most relevant to you and your learners.