Electrophysiology Education

The Need

Medical technology and healthcare organizations that are active within the global interventional cardiology market and patient care have ongoing education and training needs for their AHPs, Fellows, and internal sales representatives. One important educational topic typically covered is understanding an electrophysiologic (EP) study. These organizations need a valuable educational resource to help learners grasp complex concepts in the basics of electrophysiology.

  • EP Fundamentals

  • Educational Illustrations & Animations

  • Complex Concepts Explained

The Solution

KDG has developed a library of illustrations and animations to aid in visualizing concepts involved in an EP study.

An EP study provides information about cardiac conduction patterns and the location of reentrant or ectopic arrhythmias for potential ablation. The graphics and animations developed help visualize topics including Ions; Channels and Gates; Membrane Potential; Action Potential; ECG vs. EMG; and Reentry Initiated.

This rich library of illustrations and animations support organizations that include Medtronic, St. Jude and Boston Scientific. The illustrations are used for their AHPs, Fellows and internal sales representatives education and training needs.

The illustrations and animations provide a valuable educational resource to help learners grasp complex concepts in basics of electrophysiology.